The Soul of Creativity with Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer
Dawn Kotzer

Creativity and curiosity are bigger than just the arts. They’re bigger than hobbies. They’re vital parts of life, and the quality of our existence. Dawn Kotzer understands how creativity links into the realities of life better than almost anyone I know. She’s a coach with multiple backgrounds, including Kaizen-Muse (like me) and Martha Beck. She’s also an incredibly wise soul who always seems to have the right insight for the present moment.

This is a deep conversation, and I hope you’ll feel free to digest it in small chunks, if necessary. There’s a lot here—and there are handy links to a lot of good stuff below.

Soul is where we are most human, and it is home of imagination, which means that curiosity is always riding sidekick. Always. If we hamper our curiosity, we stifle our imagination, and that tends to, over time, sandblast our creative soul a little bit.

Dawn Kotzer

Show links:

All About Dawn:

Dawn’s website

Dawn’s Facebook

Dawn has THREE Instagram accounts:

Inner Wilderness Guide

Aligned Ambition

Dawn Kotzer ART (the doodles mentioned in the interview live here, with other cool things)

Dawn’s posts on the Belief Cycle:

Fear and Your Crazy-Making Lizard Brain

Unexpected Results or a Steaming Pot of Belief?

Other folks we mentioned:

Carol Dweck’s Mindset (not an affiliate link)

Emilie Wapnick/Puttylike

Barbara Sher

Margaret Lobenstine


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