Good Grammar with Curtis Honeycutt

Curtis Honeycutt

If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll see this headline and want to run screaming, but I want to promise you that this week’s conversation is anything but terrifying. Curtis Honeycutt, award-winning author of the Grammar Guy column that appears in more than 30 newspapers nationwide, has made it his mission to make grammar accessible and meaningful, not the stuff of high school nightmares. His book, Good Grammar is the Life of the Party, is a guidebook for the wary as well as the knowledgeable, and I think it’s safe to call it the funniest grammar guide you’ll ever read.

Curtis and I discuss everything from Noah Webster’s influence on American spelling to what “style” is (and the AP vs. Chicago Manual controversy), where religious fundamentalism and grammar meet, why Curtis and I disagree on this next comma, and more in this interview. Good Grammar is the Life of the Party is available on May 1.

The craziest thing about grammar is that there is black and white, but there’s also a lot of grey.

Curtis Honeycutt

Show links:

Curtis’s website




Good Grammar is the Life of the Party on IndieBound

Good Grammar is the Life of the Party on Amazon

The Alot from Hyperbole and a Half


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