None of us gets through the day without encountering anger somewhere, be it at work, at home, on the road, or even inside ourselves. Ryan Martin is a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, and he specializes in anger. He’s written a book, Why We Get Mad: How to Use Your Anger for Positive Change, and given a TEDx talk, but a lot of people have encountered him through his @angerprofessor account on TikTok, where he shares interesting new research and offers advice on how to handle anger—and how not to.
In our conversation, Ryan and I discussed how his fascination with anger began, the positive sides of anger, how anger can fuel creativity (and how we can unintentionally sap that fuel). Ryan also tells me how he came to be curious about curiosity, which inspired him to revamp the way he teaches.
To become more emotionally fit, if you will, you have to challenge yourself emotionally. You have to say, “I’m going to do a hard thing. And it’s going to make me uncomfortable, and it might even hurt a little bit. But that’s how I change.”
Dr. Ryan Martin
Show links
Ryan’s website
Derek Sivers’ TED talk about how telling people about your goals lowers your motivation
Ryan’s conversation with artist Alison Gates on how anger drives creativity
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