Invoking Joy with Vance Neudorf

Vance Neudorf

Vance Neudorf Author, actor, and podcaster Vance Neudorf is a man of many talents. In addition to those three pursuits, he’s also a set designer and builder, and the executive director at the Badlands Amphitheatre, Canada’s largest outdoor theatre stage. Our conversation covers everything from his free-range childhood, his transformation into a voracious reader thanks to… Continue reading Invoking Joy with Vance Neudorf

Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer If you’ve been listening for any length of time, you’ll know that I very firmly believe that anyone who’s breathing is creative. I recently came across a definition of creativity that really rankled me, because it seemed to be saying the exact opposite was true. I contacted my friend and fellow creativity coach… Continue reading Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer