“We are actually seeing the first generation of kids who don’t have any experience of their own creativity, because if all you’re doing is consuming the creativity of others, you’re not having any space to create your own. And the outcome of that is … a lack of a sense of self, because kids often come to know themselves through that process of creation. So if you’re not engaging in that, you never get to really know who you are.”
—Dr. Kelly Flanagan, clinical psychologist, on the Follow Your Curiosity podcast
Middle school is tough. Everything changes—schools, friends, bodies, what’s cool and what’s not—and social and academic pressure starts to increase. Fitting in is important, but can be more difficult than it was before.

Some kids, like Clark Kent and Diana Prince, are born with their superpowers baked in. They just know what they’re here to do. Some of us are a little more like Black Panther or Captain Marvel; our powers turn up later, and might not come with a book of instructions.
I say “us” because I was one of those kids. Even before middle school, I floundered around, trying to figure out where I fit, and failing. And now, as an adult, I know that every parent knows their child has his or her own superpowers—even if they’re having trouble figuring out just what they are.
The great news is that kids have a much better shot at figuring out their superpowers when they’re allowed and encouraged to follow their curiosity—the key that takes them from lost to found. And when they get there, amazing things start to happen. Kids begin to:
• Focus their interests
• Develop greater self-esteem
• Diminish screen time (voluntarily!)
• Find kindred spirits with similar interests
• Lay the groundwork for college majors and scholarship potential
Why Find Your Superpower?
Find Your Superpower is a kid-centric program in every sense of the word, because the child’s curiosity leads the way. Your child gets to determine the avenue(s) we pursue and how we explore them. It’s the only way to make sure that we’re finding the things that matter most and aren’t superimposing anyone else’s ideas of what “should” be interesting and intriguing. As they’re finding their own path, we’re also building confidence, fostering curiosity, and sparking enthusiasm.

Sometimes kids need someone to talk to who isn’t Mom or Dad, which is where I come in. My role is to guide and facilitate. I’m a brainstorming partner, a confidante, an ally and source of unfailing encouragement, and a model for intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills. As a former teacher, master Kaizen-Muse creativity coach, and dedicated curiosity-follower, I’m uniquely qualified to help your child learn how to ask the right questions to get the answers that will turn curiosity into exploratory rocket fuel.
How does it work?
Over 8 weeks, we will:
• Meet 1:1 via Skype, phone, or in person for 45 minutes
• Tease out the things that pique your child’s curiosity
• Explore those ideas to develop enthusiasm and deepen curiosity
• Build critical thinking skills
• Develop your child’s ability to find her own questions AND the answers
Investment: $800
Results are not guaranteed and are dependent on commitment, scheduling, meeting regularly, and the individual child. Some students will find preliminary results quickly; others will need more time. Eight weeks allows us to get a sense of the child’s situation and style, and enough information to re-evaluate as necessary at the end of that period and determine next steps. Even if we do not reach a conclusion regarding interests in eight weeks, your child will still be building a better sense of himself and the skills he’ll need in the future.
This program is not therapy and should not be used as a replacement for professional psychological services, though it can be used alongside therapy in many cases.