Some of the most interesting and inspiring stories I’ve heard are about people’s creative journeys and what they’ve learned along the way. The world needs to hear more of those stories, so I’m going to bring them to you in the Follow Your Curiosity podcast.

Once a month, you’ll get a new interview where we delve into one person’s creative journey. Some of these folks will be better known than others, but they’ll all hold up a mirror to the importance of creative endeavor in every life. You’ll hear something you can use every time.

You’ll also get a call-in episode every month where I work with someone who’s feeling stuck. We’ll talk about their situation and you'll hear the steps we develop to help them through it—and you can call in yourself if you like!

Every episode will be posted right here in addition to your usual podcast sources, and you can join the conversation on Instagram. I can’t wait for you to join us as we Follow Your Curiosity!

If you’d like to contact me with a guest idea or to be featured on a coaching call, please email me. I’d love to hear from you!


Invoking Joy with Vance Neudorf

Vance Neudorf

Vance Neudorf Author, actor, and podcaster Vance Neudorf is a man of many talents. In addition to those three pursuits, he’s also a set designer and builder, and the executive director at the Badlands Amphitheatre, Canada’s largest outdoor theatre stage. Our conversation covers everything from his free-range childhood, his transformation into a voracious reader thanks to… Continue reading Invoking Joy with Vance Neudorf

Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer If you’ve been listening for any length of time, you’ll know that I very firmly believe that anyone who’s breathing is creative. I recently came across a definition of creativity that really rankled me, because it seemed to be saying the exact opposite was true. I contacted my friend and fellow creativity coach… Continue reading Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer