Dr. Ryan Martin None of us gets through the day without encountering anger somewhere, be it at work, at home, on the road, or even inside ourselves. Ryan Martin is a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, and he specializes in anger. He’s written a book, Why We Get Mad:… Continue reading Anger and Curiosity with Dr. Ryan Martin
Creative Pep Talk #12: How Hard Is It?

"We can do hard things," as the saying goes—but we can also make it way harder to do those things than we have to. Hear how I learned this lesson and how you can make it easier to do the tough things on your list in this episode. He knew we could do it. And… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #12: How Hard Is It?
Psychology and Writing with Sarah Fine

Sarah Fine Urban fantasy author Sarah Fine, who writes psychological thrillers as SF Kosa, is a clinical psychologist as well as a novelist. As a result, she has a lot to say about the amateur psychology and observational skills writers tend to possess, as well as what she will and won’t do in portraying aspects… Continue reading Psychology and Writing with Sarah Fine
Creative Pep Talk #11: Failure

Failure visits us all—and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Failing doesn't have to be the end, and it definitely doesn't reflect our worth. It's actually a really important part of the creative process (and of growing/learning in general), so maybe we should start embracing it rather than fearing it. All failure means… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #11: Failure
Coming Out of the Cave with Eddie Louise

Eddie Louise Eddie Louise, writer of the Sage and Savant audio drama podcast, has lived one of the most fascinating creative journeys I’ve ever heard. She has followed her curiosity from the libraries of Wyoming to undergraduate studies in Edinburgh and back to California, and absolutely none of it has happened in the way anyone… Continue reading Coming Out of the Cave with Eddie Louise
Creative Pep Talk #10: Tiny Steps

If you're feeling stuck and don't know how to get moving again, this is the episode for you! There's a simple way to get your momentum back, and it's probably not what you expect. (It may even feel kind of insulting… but it works!) Break it down. Break it down so small that you know… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #10: Tiny Steps
The Empathy of Art with Kathryn Malek

Kathryn Malek Kathryn Malek is an actor, writer, and coach. Kathryn started focusing on acting and writing as a young adult, studying with apprentices of Lee Strasberg before taking the leap into playwriting. We talked about those early experiences, the ways acting is viewed in our society as performers on demand or as people who… Continue reading The Empathy of Art with Kathryn Malek
Creative Pep Talk #9: A Change of Scene

If you're feeling stuck creatively, you may just need a change of scene. It doesn't have to be anything dramatic, though the bigger the change, the more potential! All you want to do is expose your brain to new stuff, and then see what comes out of it.Nancy Norbeck Get in Touch I'd love to… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #9: A Change of Scene
Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor with Michael Broussard

Michael Broussard My guest this week is Michael Broussard, an actor, activist, musician, and artist. His solo show, “Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor,” uses his own experience to demystify and destigmatize abuse trauma while also giving his audience, which often includes fellow survivors, a chance to ask questions and open up about their own experiences… Continue reading Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor with Michael Broussard
Creative Pep Talk #8: How to Give Feedback

Following on from last time, here are some thoughts on how to give feedback. Why is this important? For one, you really don't want to be the person who stops someone else's creative process. Just as importantly, though, you don't want to stymie yours! It really is THAT important. The way that you give other… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #8: How to Give Feedback