Peter Davison I’m absolutely thrilled to be talking this week with actor Peter Davison, star of All Creatures Great and Small, Doctor Who, At Home with the Braithwaites, West End musicals like Spamalot and Gypsy, and much more. He’s also the author of a delightful memoir, Is There Life Outside the Box: An Actor Despairs,… Continue reading “Is There Life Outside the Box?” with Peter Davison
Creative Pep Talk #58: Do Nothing

It may sound counterintuitive, but doing nothing can be really good for you. (If you just felt your whole body relax at the mere thought, that's a sign!) I'll tell you why in this short episode. Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and experience with these ideas! Send me a note… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #58: Do Nothing
Drama and Storytelling with Elizabeth Morton

Elizabeth Morton Author Elizabeth (Eliza) Morton was an actress before she started writing, and has always loved the power of stories. She’s also part of an acting family—she’s married to Doctor Who’s Peter Davison and step-mother-in-law of the show’s David Tennant, and sometimes wonders if she started writing romantic sagas as an escape from all… Continue reading Drama and Storytelling with Elizabeth Morton
Creative Pep Talk #57: Being Like Everyone Else
“Limiting” Creativity with Nick Morrison

Nick Morrison Today’s guest, Nick Morrison, is a guitarist, teacher, author, and composer whose work you’ve probably heard in productions from Warner Bros, Universal Studios, Sony, MTV, ABC, NBC, HGTV, and HBO. Nick talks with me about how musicians can make money making music beyond performing and teaching and how writing music for TV and… Continue reading “Limiting” Creativity with Nick Morrison
Creative Pep Talk #56: Kick It Old School

Every so often, do something the old-fashioned way. I'll tell you why (and how I came to this discovery) in this short episode. Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and experience with these ideas! Send me a note at, or contact me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Subscribe!
Rediscovering the Human with Kate Powers

Kate Powers My guest today is Kate Powers, a lifelong theatre kid who became an off-Broadway and regional theatre director. Her list of credits is long, but I wanted to talk to Kate about the unusual home she’s found for her work: maximum security prisons. Kate is the founding artistic director of the Redeeming Time… Continue reading Rediscovering the Human with Kate Powers
Creative Pep Talk #55: Pushing Through Resistance
Transitions with Stacey Smith?

Stacey Smith? My guest this week, Stacey Smith? was one of my first guests in 2019, when we talked about the creative side of mathematics, and particularly about mathematical models of disease outbreaks—and the occasional zombie apocalypse. We also talked about how Doctor Who influenced her decision to become a mathematician in the first place.… Continue reading Transitions with Stacey Smith?
Creative Pep Talk #54: Be Curious, Not Judgmental

Our culture tells us we should be obsessed(!) with the thing we're meant to do, which can lead to judgment on our part—of our kids, our friends, and ourselves. There are lots of reasons not to be obsessed, and better ways to deal with them than judgment. I'll tell you more in this short episode. … Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #54: Be Curious, Not Judgmental