Creative Problem Solving with Trudy Cunningham

Trudy Cunningham
Trudy Cunningham
Trudy Cunningham

Trudy Cunningham is one of the most insightful and creative people I’ve ever met. Her background in mathematics and education led her to the improbable position of associate dean of engineering at Bucknell University, which is where we first crossed paths. It’s is also why I wanted to talk to her. She later moved to Sewanee, where her husband served as president and she continued to teach. As you’ll hear, not only has she steadfastly refused to be told women can’t teach math, she’s just as consistently stood up for her students’ best interests with parents, faculty, and university administrators. Her approach to problem solving is simultaneously practical and creative, and infuses her outlook on everything from teaching to aging. And she understands far better than most what makes people tick.

I would encourage you to not hide from things that scare you, and on a good day, to try to celebrate them as problem solving opportunities.

Trudy Cunningham

Show links

Bucknell University

Sewanee: The University of the South


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