The FYC Sessions

You’ve had this nagging feeling lately that there’s something you want to do—write, draw, dance, arrange flowers … or maybe you’re not quite sure exactly what it is. But you’re not doing it, and what you are doing? It’s not working. You stare at a blank page, canvas, notebook, waiting for your forehead to bleed—and wishing that it would, because that might actually be easier than figuring out what’s wrong and making something happen. Or that forehead’s been bleeding, because you’re throwing everything you have at the proverbial wall and nothing sticks. It’s frustrating—maddening, even. You know, deep in your gut, that there’s something more for you to do, if only you could figure out which way to go next.

You’ve Googled all the big questions…

  • How do I get started?
  • How do I focus?
  • How do I pick an idea?
  • How do I find an idea in the first place?
  • How do I know if I’m talented?
  • Am I wasting my time?
  • How do I get out of my own way?

Maybe even…

  • What’s wrong with me?

…but nothing’s really helped.

Here’s the great news: You’re not alone! Nothing’s wrong with you. You’re just stuck—and you’re in the right place.

Anyone who tries to do anything off the beaten path (and most of the things that call to us, deep in our quirky little human hearts, are at least somewhat off that path) runs into these obstacles. We all have the same doubts, and we all fear the same things—that there’s something wrong with us, that we’re untalented and are just lying to ourselves, that we’re not original, that we’ll fail, that we’ll succeed, that we’ll be rejected regardless.

That we’ll die with our song still in us, unsung and unheard.

Oof. Nobody wants that. So we retreat into denial and try to pretend that it doesn’t matter, or we go back to that wall and beat our heads against it some more. Either way, we don’t get anywhere except another day closer to that thing we fear the most: never doing the work we know we’re here to do.

I’ve been there—and I can help you stop the cycle of doubt and start making progress toward the things that really matter to you. Whether your goal is to publish a book, submit to a film festival, have a gallery opening, or just find the courage to haul out your old camera and start taking pictures, we can get you there.

The FYC Sessions

Join me for 8 weekly coaching sessions so we can work through the muck together and we will:

  • Meet 1:1 (via Skype or phone) for 30 minutes each week for 8 weeks
  • Develop personalized action steps to try in between sessions based on your real-time results
  • Assemble your own Curiosity Toolkit to unlock your most effective creative process (tips, tricks, books, resources, exercises, etc.)

Investment: $800 for the first three new clients