Is whatever's holding you back from your creative call really enough reason to give up? Not likely. Here's why you really should do it anyway. Ben Folds agrees with me: take a listen. What are the six biggest creative beliefs that are screwing up your process? Find out here! Get in Touch I'd love to… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #43: Do It Anyway
Inside Book Publishing with Tom Colgan

Tom Colgan My guest this week is Tom Colgan, editorial director at Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Tom has spent more than 35 years championing such authors as Tom Clancy, mark Graeney, and Janet Evanovich. We talk about how he got his start as an editor, what editors do and don’t do… Continue reading Inside Book Publishing with Tom Colgan
Creative Pep Talk #42: Motivation

If you've been waiting to feel motivated to do your creative work, you may be surprised to learn that you're actually doing things backwards. (If you haven't listened to the Pep Talk about "Five Minutes," I suggest you listen to it in conjunction with this one!) My next Creative Check-In/Parallel Universe Time session is coming… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #42: Motivation
Sales for Creatives with Annie P. Ruggles

Annie P. Ruggles It’s no secret that a lot of creative people absolutely love doing their creative work, but seize up at the idea of selling it. I invited Annie P. Ruggles, also known simply as Annie P., to the podcast to share why selling doesn’t have to be evil, and how to get around… Continue reading Sales for Creatives with Annie P. Ruggles
Creative Pep Talk #41: Listen to Your Wisdom

Once you've wrangled with the truth, what do you DO with it? (Spoiler: don't ignore it.) My next Creative Check-In/Parallel Universe Time session is coming up! Register here for the Zoom link and to be kept informed of new session times. Questions? Contact me. Feeling stuck in your creative process? Or wondering how to start having… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #41: Listen to Your Wisdom
Authenticity and Enthusiasm with Hillary Webb

Hillary Webb Hillary Webb describes herself as a cultural anthropologist, author, and mixed-media storyteller with a focus on theater anthropology and cross-cultural perspectives on human consciousness. It’s a mix that covers a lot of territory, both literally and figuratively. Hillary has traveled the world for research on shamanism and consciousness, and has even managed to… Continue reading Authenticity and Enthusiasm with Hillary Webb
Creative Pep Talk #40: The Truth

Do you recognize and respect the truth? Or is your relationship with it a little different? Spoiler: It may not be what you think it is! My next Creative Check-In/Parallel Universe Time session is coming up! Register here for the Zoom link and to be kept informed of new session times. Questions? Contact me. Feeling stuck… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #40: The Truth
The Smart Travelista with Linda King

Linda King Linda King caught the travel bug at an early age. She also grew up in a family of writers. After working in the travel and banking industries—and discovering that there was an appetite for her travel advice—she started The Smart Travelista: a website and series of travel books to help people travel wisely… Continue reading The Smart Travelista with Linda King
Creative Pep Talk #39: Parallel Universe Time

A pep talk AND an invitation: How Parallel Universe Time can help you get past procrastination and get things done. If you're intrigued, you're invited to join us for scheduled PUT sessions that will help you make progress and energize your creative process. Register here for the Zoom link and to be kept informed of new… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #39: Parallel Universe Time
Creative Pep Talk #38: You’re Normal

What if I told you your creative blocks are totally normal? There's nothing wrong with you. Sign up for my monthly Creative Check-In call here. Feeling stuck in your creative process? Or wondering how to start having a creative process at all? Check out my super-affordable Creative Tune-Up, which is full of my favorite coaching… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #38: You’re Normal