Vance Neudorf Author, actor, and podcaster Vance Neudorf is a man of many talents. In addition to those three pursuits, he’s also a set designer and builder, and the executive director at the Badlands Amphitheatre, Canada’s largest outdoor theatre stage. Our conversation covers everything from his free-range childhood, his transformation into a voracious reader thanks to… Continue reading Invoking Joy with Vance Neudorf
Creative Pep Talk #27: Journaling

Journaling can be a fantastic tool both for personal exploration and for your creative process. If you're groaning at the idea of journaling, you're in good company: I used to feel that way about it, too. I'll tell you what changed my mind, some tips from my own journaling practice, and give you a prompt… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #27: Journaling
Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer

Dawn Kotzer If you’ve been listening for any length of time, you’ll know that I very firmly believe that anyone who’s breathing is creative. I recently came across a definition of creativity that really rankled me, because it seemed to be saying the exact opposite was true. I contacted my friend and fellow creativity coach… Continue reading Inspired Courage with Dawn Kotzer
Creative Pep Talk #26: Be on Your Own Side

If you're going to be courageous enough to follow your creative call, it helps to be on your own side. Here's why. Feeling stuck in your creative process? Or wondering how to start having a creative process at all? Check out my super-affordable Creative Tune-Up, which is full of my favorite coaching tools to help… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #26: Be on Your Own Side
Storytelling and SEO with Alison ver Halen

Alison ver Halen Alison ver Halen always wanted to write, and act, but was told as a child that neither of those were possible careers. Nonetheless, she never gave up—she majored in English and psychology and minored in theater, which gave her the perfect background for content marketing, a field she stumbled into, starting as… Continue reading Storytelling and SEO with Alison ver Halen
Creative Pep Talk #25: Keep It to Yourself

At the beginning of a project, you probably want to tell the entire universe about it. Here's why you might want to go against that instinct, at least for a while. Feeling stuck in your creative process? Or wondering how to start having a creative process at all? Check out my super-affordable Creative Tune-Up, which… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #25: Keep It to Yourself
The Importance of Fun with John Peel

John Peel Prolific author John Peel has written novels in universes from Doctor Who to Star Trek to James Bond. John started off writing fan fiction, and as you’ll hear, is an advocate for fan fiction as a training ground for fiction writing. He tells me how he made the leap to writing authorized fiction—novels… Continue reading The Importance of Fun with John Peel
Creative Pep Talk #24: Don’t Rush It

As a culture, we're addicted to cleverness and speed, but they may not be the best things for your life or your creative process. Want more help? Check out my Creative Tune-Up, which is full of my favorite coaching tools to help you get unstuck. Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions,… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #24: Don’t Rush It
Letting Your Light Shine with Father Michael Rossmann

Father Michael Rossmann My guest today is Father Michael Rossmann, Jesuit priest and creator of a video series offering perspectives and advice on life, many of which focus on creativity and aspects of the creative process. It’s easy to discount or just not even notice the spiritual side of creativity, but it’s there all the… Continue reading Letting Your Light Shine with Father Michael Rossmann
Creative Pep Talk #23: Creating Happiness

We all want to be happy—and we usually want others to be, too. That second bit can get us in trouble, and we tend to ignore the first. So what do we do about it? Here's my suggestion. Want more help? Check out my Creative Tune-Up, which is full of my favorite coaching tools to… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #23: Creating Happiness