The Rolling Stones have a new album, and Mick Jagger has some great creative advice for us all. I explain in this short episode. You can read the Guardian interview here. Join my free creative community, The Spark! We celebrate each other's creative courage, and I'll be sharing programs for subscribers and listeners there in… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #69: Mick Jagger’s Beginner’s Mind
The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams with Kevin Jon Davies

Kevin Jon Davies Director, animator, and author Kevin Jon Davies grew up enthralled by Doctor Who and Spike Milligan’s The Goon Show. When he discovered the original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio show, it seemed like the best of both worlds. Before long, he was doing animation for the TV series. Kevin tells me… Continue reading The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams with Kevin Jon Davies
Creative Pep Talk #68: Let It Go

We don't talk about it much in creative circles, but it's really important to know when and why to let go of your creative work. I'll tell you more in this short episode. Join my free creative community, The Spark! We celebrate each other's creative courage, and I'll be sharing programs for subscribers and listeners… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #68: Let It Go
Publishing and Patience with Hilary Hattenbach

Hilary Hattenbach My guest today is Hilary Hattenbach, a freelance writer based in LA. Hilary majored in magazine journalism but ended up working in entertainment marketing for studios like Disney and 20th Century Fox before a chance meeting in a bakery led her to do-author The Kitchen Decoded Cookbook. Hilary tells me about that meeting… Continue reading Publishing and Patience with Hilary Hattenbach
Creative Pep Talk #67: Say No

You need a strong NO in order to have a strong YES in any part of your life, including your creative process. I'll tell you why in this short episode. Check out my new newsletter, The Spark! It's free, and I hope you'll join us! Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions,… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #67: Say No
Writing and Resilience with Romana Hassenöhrl

Romana Hassenöhrl Romana Hasenöhrl has traveled all over the world and is the author of several books, including two novels, the second of which is currently in progress. She also coaches writers, who call her "Romana Rocks," and is an astrologer. Romana joins me to talk about how travel has influenced her writing process and… Continue reading Writing and Resilience with Romana Hassenöhrl
Creative Pep Talk #66: Make Lemonade

Life happens. Stuff goes wrong. It's a cliché, but when you're handed lemons, sometimes the best thing to do is to make lemonade. I'll tell you why in this short episode. Check out my new newsletter, The Spark! It's free, and I hope you'll join us! Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback,… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #66: Make Lemonade
Uncovering Forgotten Histories with Rahna Reiko Rizzuto

Rahna Reiko Rizzuto Author Rahna Reiko Rizzuto wrote the way many of us do as a child and teen, but didn’t truly turn to writing until she discovered, at the age of 30, that her Japanese-American mother, and her family, had been stripped of everything and put in an internment camp during World War II.… Continue reading Uncovering Forgotten Histories with Rahna Reiko Rizzuto
Creative Pep Talk #65: Mr. Twinkletoes

What can a simple choice from actor David Tennant tell us about creative freedom? I'll tell you in this short episode. Check out my new newsletter, The Spark! It's free, and I hope you'll join us! Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and experience with these ideas! Send me a note… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #65: Mr. Twinkletoes
Creative Pep Talk #64: Stop Making It So Hard

Odds are good you're making things harder than they need to be—and that's getting in your way more than you realize. Check out my new newsletter, The Spark! It's free, and I hope you'll join us! Get in Touch I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and experience with these ideas! Send me a note… Continue reading Creative Pep Talk #64: Stop Making It So Hard